The House that looked like a Hurricane
My dear friend had been complaining about feeling stressed and her energy was scattered. That week we were heading into the energy of a lunar eclipse, signifying the end of a cycle. Because the moon would be in the sign of Scorpio, I knew it would be a good time for emotional release and to purge any stuck energies from our homes.
Her property sits on a canal in SW Florida that was one of the worst areas hit by hurricane Ian. The water had risen so high that it had come within 2” of entering the house. She was lucky, as so many of the neighbors had to completely gut their homes. Dumpsters full of cabinets, tile, carpet and furniture were still sitting in a few of the driveways on her street. Her roof tiles were damaged, and the internal pressure that the storm created had bowed out the front doors and garage doors so that they all had to be replaced.
To do the clearing, I entered a meditative state and asked to be shown what I needed to see:
In my mind’s eye, I arrived on the street in front of her house and it was as though I was looking through a mirage. There was a huge swirling energy that surrounded and obscured the house. There was some kind of barrier that wouldn’t allow me onto the property. I spoke to the land and explained that my friend had granted me access and the energy opened and I entered the garage. I immediately felt off balance, the house tipping to the left front corner.
Next, I felt my energy in her house, at the same time that I was sitting on my sofa at home. I started to notice my head was rotating in a counter clockwise direction, just like the cyclone of energy I saw circling the house. I took a few breaths and then I saw a tornado with a long tail leaving the roof of her house. I was seeing the impact that the disastrous Hurricane Ian had left on her property and thought, “No wonder she felt scattered and anxious.”
Later that day, I arrived at her home, eager to share what I had seen. I described the images, telling her that I believed her roof had been hit by a tornado spun off. It was obvious to me that we needed to anchor the foundation and structure of her home back to the earth. So, we began clearing and cleansing the space by opening all the doors, stirring up the stagnant energy and releasing what didn’t belong.
I use the elements of air, earth, fire, water and metal to bring harmony back to a home. I light Nag Champa incense, I pour Holy Water in a dish, I use copper dowsing rods and I speak with my breath, sometimes blowing the air, as it is my element, my power. There are sacred rituals used, intentions placed and blessings bestowed. We say prayers and claim the space for the sole purpose of the owner as her sovereign domain. We then set clearing stones of Selenite and anchoring stones of Nuummite in all four corners of the house to anchor and protect her home. When we were done, I could feel a lightness in the air.
We went out for dinner that evening, enjoying the time together catching up. I often spend the night in her guest bedroom as I live in a different part of town and don’t like driving so late at night.
I was eager to see how we would sleep after clearing the space. I fell asleep easily and felt comfort in the warmth of her family’s home. I was surprised to find myself awakened later that night from a terrible nightmare. I shared my dream while we drank our coffee the next morning.
“We were both there, in her home, and it was nighttime, we were sleeping. Two people had broken into the house and we woke up in alarm. I went to the kitchen and by the time I reached it, one of the intruders had been killed and the other was knocked out. It turned out to be a man and woman. She had been skewered by a long pole with a kind of bore on the end. I was given this thing to hold and it was sticky with blood. I wanted to wash my hands but couldn’t as we were waiting for the police. The odd thing is I don’t know who protected us.”
The dream made no sense to me and at first, I thought the clearing hadn’t worked. But then she told me she had noticed things being moved around in her house. Sometimes she would come home and feel as though someone had been there in her absence. As we were talking about this creepy feeling, she told me that she had given her garage code to a couple that lived down the street from her, years before. They had had a falling out and the relationship was unrepairable. She thought that it might be them intruding when she was gone.
She became agitated and started talking about how she was going to get a security camera installed so she could see who was coming and going. She raged that she would catch the culprit’s red handed, sounding slightly obsessed.
I said, “Why don’t you just change the garage code?”
And she said, “I don’t know how.”
It is interesting to see how we can block out a simple solution and create an elaborate scheme instead. Our mind is like a computer that wants to solve all our problems. It is important not to encourage the part of the psyche that has preposterous solutions.
I said, “No, do not engage in this energy. Make changing the garage code your top priority. This will resolve your issue; give you back your security and bring you peace.”
The clearing had indeed worked. The swirling energy that looked like a whirlwind left from Hurricane Ian, was the anxiety in my friend’s mind. In an effort to protect herself from the neighbors, she had set up an energetic vortex around her home. It took that final message in a dream to uncover the energy leak that would stabilize and secure her home.
The subconscious speaks in symbols and will come to us in any way that we are open to seeing. Often the elements of a dream can be broken down into simple symbols that bring meaning to our lives. In this dream, the intruders represented the neighbors my friend was estranged from and the thought that they might be entering her home. The rod that killed the woman was the dowsing rods I used to sense the blocked energy. The police were a symbol of security, relating to the security system of the home. When I remotely viewed the home, I felt the energy tilt to the left, to the side of the home where the garage opener was located. This was where the imbalance came from.
The healing here was to clearly see where the chaotic energy was coming from and to find a solution that would bring security.
We are where we dwell… Don’t be afraid to change the code!